Housing & Community Safety Policy & Scrutiny Committee

19 July 2022


Scrutiny Review - report for discussion





1.    The purpose of this report is to seek committee members’ views on the revised scope of a proposed scrutiny review.




2.    At an informal Forum meeting of the committee on 14 December 2021, members discussed the scope of a potential ‘resilient communities’ scrutiny review. Cllr Fenton subsequently circulated a revised draft scope to members of the committee.


3.    The suggested aim of the scrutiny review was to “understand the causes and impact of anti-social behaviour on CYC tenants and the wider community, and how the council and partners can seek to tackle the causes and impacts with a view to enabling communities to be safer and more resilient places to live.”


4.    Suggested initial questions to focus on included:


a.    What CYC policies and procedures are particularly relevant in this area?

b.    Are there some real life Housing examples we can discuss to help us get a better understanding of the current ‘customer journey’ in relation to how ASB is dealt with?

c.    What opportunities exist for joint working, eg Housing Management Officers being able to access support or advice from Police / Community Safety / Public Health colleagues?

d.    Are there examples of good practice (in York and/or elsewhere) that we can learn from?

e.    How do issues around mental ill-health, domestic violence and marginalised groups tend to manifest themselves in relation to Housing-related ASB?

5.    A number of tasks were identified for members to undertake, including:


a.    Identify and read relevant current CYC policies / procedures

b.    Research best practice examples from elsewhere


6.    A number of partners were identified whom task group members could meet with, including:


a.    CYC Housing staff involved in frontline tenancy management

b.    Colleagues from other relevant CYC teams, eg Local Area Co-ordinators, Community Safety, Public Health, Neighbourhood Enforcement

c.    Police

d.    Tenants groups / community groups

e.    Ward councillors


7.    It did not prove possible to progress this scrutiny review during the 2021/22 municipal year. In the course of discussions about the committee’s work plan for 2022/23, a suggestion was put forward by the Executive Member for the committee to consider looking at multi-agency support for vulnerable tenants and in particular the Housing team’s role in co-ordinating and working with health and social care partners.


8.    It is proposed therefore that the scope of the scrutiny review be expanded to include this suggestion, with a new para 4(f) added above, to read as follows:


4(f). How does the CYC Housing team work with health and social care colleagues to connect residents with help and support?





Cllr Stephen Fenton (Chair)

Housing and Community Safety Policy & Scrutiny Committee

8 July 2022